
Snowflake Tips

Snowflake is a powerful tool, which makes creating data models very easy and convenient – with the speed of distributed computing on the cloud. A common mistake engineers do is using the tool as they ‘think’ it should work instead of how the tool was ‘intended to be used. 

Role based access control

Snowflake makes managing user access easy and slick – an individual if assigned multiple roles can switch between them fairly easily. Also resources created with one role cannot be accessed by another – unless it’s a higher role which through RBAC inheritance can access those resources. 



Pre-defined roles

TIP – It helps to remember the five pre-defined RBAC roles and how they are related.


Using the right role

While creating data assets or components to be used within those assets, you will be able to access them only if working with that role – or a higher role with custodian oversight. 

TIP – Ensure while creating or using data assets you are working with the right role

Ingesting files

During initial exploration of your data asset, you most probably will have to ingest semi-structured data to do some data profiling or analysis. While the wizard for loading data in tables is quite easy, I prefer to use code wherever possible. 


Creating File Format 

					-- Create file format to ingest semi-structured data
-- Remember to execute using the right user  role!
CREATE FILE FORMAT dbNAme.schemaName.tableName

Working with JSON files

It’s often a good practice to ingest raw data as it is, and then cleanse and curate in subsequent steps of your pipeline. But looking at raw data in one column can be tricky – a neat way to visualize it:

column_name:"key_name"::<datatpe> AS col_name_to_display,
col_1:"key_1"::STRING AS first_column,
col_1:"key_2"::STRING AS second_column
FROM table_name;

To flatten semi-structured data is quite easy as well, helps in visualizing what the data may look like before going ahead and creating all those tables.

value:key_1::VARCHAR AS First_Column,
value:key_2::VARCHAR AS Second_Column
FROM table_name,
LATERAL FLATTEN(input => column_name:root_key);

You might want to cast a value from some key/value pairs as well and display them nicely in the results:

column_name:key_name:nested_key_name AS col_display,
column_name:key_name AS col_display,
value:nested_key_name::VARCHAR AS HASHTAG_TEXT --casting to varchar
FROM table_name,
(input => column_name:key_name:nested_key_name);

After all this is done – you’d want to create a view from this for users to be able to read raw data

					create or replace view database_name.schema_name.table_name as(
	column_name:key_name:nested_key_name AS col_display,
	column_name:key_name AS col_display,
	value:nested_key_name::VARCHAR AS HASHTAG_TEXT --casting to varchar
	FROM table_name,
	(input => column_name:key_name:nested_key_name);

Data Warehouse vs OLTP

OLTPs / Traditional database designs are perhaps one of the most common database types used. Data warehouse as a concept was introduced in 1980, but widespread adoption came a good few years later.

Since OLTP designs are very common and well known, It helps to understand the difference in purpose between traditional OLTP DBs and data warehouses.


Traditional DBs are primarily a persistence layer of an application – where data is changed very frequently requiring a quick operational response time. It’s all about the speed at which CRUD operations can be performed, and ensuring high availability of data for other processes.

To make that happen, these DBs are supposed to be:

  • Very quick in inserting / updating new records, those being the most frequent operations.

  • The DB can be accessed by different operations and therefore locking needs to be minimized.

  • Typical read operations usually fetch a small amount of data – so querying typically should be optimized and not heavy on processing

  • It’s crucial the data is consistent, entries match and are linked properly, which leads to:

  • Normalization – which helps with reducing redundancy, maintaining consistency making updates easier.


Data warehouses have a completely different purpose. OLTPs are used to maintain data for ‘system of records’, Data warehouses are meant to serve as a single source of enterprise wide data for reporting. That means – OLTPs have small, quick and very frequent updates. Data warehouses (DW) are used for querying very large data sets and typically ‘batch’ updates which don’t have to be that performance critical.

To elaborate further this is how data warehouses are different in contrast with OLTPs:

  • The most important purpose of a DW is retrieval of large data sets through queries instead of very limited data sets

  • Since the primary job is retrieval of data – performance of ‘read’ operations is essential

  • Typically you might not have many operations trying to access the DW, therefore locking is not an issue

  • DW are a copy of OLTP data – that means we typically will not have frequent inserts or updates like an OLTP system since those are the customer facing ones

  • Since insert / update will not be as frequent, therefore performance on write operations is not a concern